Three Legged OAuth

Jun 7, 2018 - 7 minutes
Sometimes there is a situation where there is a client application (SPA, or native mobile app for instance), which needs to access an API (resource). Let’s say that API requires that users be authenticated using an OAuth service. In this case the user (resource owner) will login with an authentication service via the client app. If successful the authentication service will issue an access token, and the client application can use this in an Authentication header to access the resource. Read more ...

Build and Run ASP.Net Core Application in Docker

Jun 4, 2018 - 2 minutes
Building and running a ASP.Net Core web application in a Docker container is pretty straight forward. We can use use the images provided by Microsoft. There is one image for building, and one for running. We can also use Dockers new multi stage build feature to make things even easier. Let’s take a look at a Dockerfile. FROMmicrosoft/aspnetcore-build:2 As buildWORKDIR/appCOPY ./app/WebApp.csproj .RUN ["dotnet", "restore"]COPY ./src .RUN dotnet publish -c Release -o . Read more ...

Scaling with Elastic Beanstalk

May 26, 2018 - 7 minutes
When you’re building out a new API or service, it’s sometimes difficult to know exactly what sort of server you’re going to need to run it on. You probably have a rough idea of what your MVP is, but you don’t really know what features you will need to add in the future. You might not really know what sort of traffic you will be dealing with either, both in terms of number of requests or load pattern. Read more ...

PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "" WHEN expecting one OF the following

Feb 17, 2009 - 1 minutes
I recently came across this error whilst developing stored procedures in oracle. The stored procedure will be built in Oracle but marked as invalid. Trying a re-compile will give you the above error. The problem appears to be with Windows CRLF characters on line breaks. Oracle does not treat this as white space, instead it sees it as an empty string. In order to get round this problem, convert the CRLF characters to LF characters and Oracle should be happy. Read more ...

Working with LDAP in VB.Net

Jun 13, 2008 - 4 minutes
I wrote a post a while ago dealing with an error that VB can throw when dealing with an LDAP connection. Because this post has proved popular with people searching for the error code on Google, I thought I’d put together a quick post on using LDAP in VB.Net. Simple Directory Search To perform a simple query you can use the following syntax: Dim results as SearchResultCollection Using dir As New DirectoryEntry(connectionPath, principle, credentials, AuthenticationTypes. Read more ...